Monday, June 4, 2007

Daodejing: Response to Water

who is brecht
laozi dao and benjamin
de-de da-da re-re-me-me

bury yourself in the C
you will get a D
and who cares
If you have a poignant p

but sure, dear, give me a ring
and you will find me still
eating, drinking, drooling
with beibei oo aa cooing


water said...

yeah!!! sumiao, i am so happy my brick got out such a jade out of your long silence! all the hustle-bustle about those names seems so trivial in the face of reality. i had to force myself to forget about my never-coming baby to bury myself in this web of misreadings of misreadings...
take good care. will ring you up later.

Anonymous said...

take it easy--no matter what "it" is. :)

Michael K. said...

Wow, Liansu has so many more friends than I do. And I don't understand her comment above AT ALL. It's tough when the only other gaijin around these parts can already translate haiku into Cantonese. I can tell fun stories from Herodotus, though. In Greek. With interpretive dance. I'll spare you the genitive absolutes. Really.

water said...

come on mike, you are not supposed to understand my comment above. it's coded.

the downside of having more friends than you is that i spend far more time commenting on blogs than doing my work.:)

hualing said...

i tested: beibei (who is completing her 4th month)cried the same at a haiku and a laozi chapter. Michael's Herodotus stories with interpretive dance will work better, I am sure. And even with the genitive absolutes.

Starsfading said...

what a poem!! dear, how wonderful your new life with beibei has brought beautiful lines like these!

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